Thank you for Six Years of Support!

Orphan care made sense to me except for one factor. I was seeing so many children that had living relatives. The more I learned, the more I researched I felt led to do something different. Why are children being dropped off? Parents hope for a better future for their children, education and regular meals. We all want that for our children! In Haiti it is hard. Imagine living off of less than $2.00 a day when gas prices sit around $5.00 per gallon. People assume because it is a poor country the cost of living is lower. That is so far from the truth! Our families are making do with what very little they have.

In the coming months we’ll continue telling our story since we have had so many new friends coming along side us! There are so many hopes and dreams for our school and we want to share it all with you!
Thank you so much for 6 amazing years of support and we look forward to the next 6 years!
Lebanon, TN 37087
(866) 844-5437